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Posts by Michael Hendrix

Michael Hendrix is the director of state and local policy at the Manhattan Institute, where he manages scholars, conducts research, and leads outreach. He previously served as senior director for research and emerging issues at the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Michael has written on technology policy and urban ecosystems for various publications, including National Review, National Affairs, and The Federalist. He is a graduate of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland with an MA (Hons) in international relations and holds a certificate in strategy and performance management from Georgetown University. He began his undergraduate education at the College of William & Mary as a James Monroe Scholar.

Bono Helped Kill an Industry (and Then Celebrated)

It was on the day of the largest album launch in history, when the biggest rock band on the planet may have surrendered the music industry to its grave, that U2 frontman Bono declared “music is a sacrament.”  The melodies that Plato said give “flight...

How a Box of Cereal Changed an Industry

Joe and Brian had an idea. It was a crazy idea, in fact. Sell 1000 boxes of cereal at $40 a pop. Not only were they planning to hawk something at over ten times its retail price, but this was 2008, just as America was sinking into one of the worst recessions in recent...

For-Profit Policing Means Ferguson Is Basically a Debtor’s Prison

In Ferguson, Missouri, residents could find themselves in jail for failing to pay $19 a month to the town’s sole trash contractor. For these and other petty infractions, fees snowball over months into court dates and outstanding warrants. Pleading guilty is the...

Values & Socialism?

The longer people live under socialism, the more their value system erodes. So concludes a recent study of 259 Germans randomly picked to play a simple dice game. Researchers from the University of Munich and Duke University asked participants to throw a die 40 times...

Are Dead Men Ruling America?

America faces an ever-rising tide of red ink. We prioritize consumption over investment—the past over the future—and lock these commitments in with automatic spending increases that consume an ever-greater share of our federal budget. Nearly every new dollar of tax...