"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Ordered Liberty in the Bible

In the beginning, God put Adam in the garden “to tend and keep” it (Genesis 2:15). Theologians have seen something more in this than an incidental phrase. Instead, they have seen a general commission from God to humanity to labor creatively for the betterment of the...

Is Liberty Negative or Positive?

Contemporary debates over public policy have deep ideological roots, and these roots reach far deeper than what a pundit’s talking points will betray.  In the West, where personal freedom is often prized as the chief public value, individual liberty is a frequent...

Common Good #11 – Charles Murray on “By the People”

On this episode of Common Good, our guest is AEI scholar and best-selling author Charles Murray. He is best known for “Losing Ground” (1984), “The Bell Curve” (1994), and “Coming Apart” (2012). The topic of this conversation is...