Recent years have seen a resurgence of thought about the age-old topic of Christian engagement in the public square. This is true in the United States in particular, where a historically Judeo-Christian culture is rapidly shifting, church attendance is declining, and once largely shared civic convictions are deteriorating. The 2016 election added another wrinkle to the story, especially for conservative Christians who struggled to rethink political allegiances in light of new realities. All of these developments are necessitating new answers to old questions. Namely, how do Christians engage faithfully and prudently in a pluralistic—and at times, antagonistic—public square?
On February 21, 2018, AEI’s Values & Capitalism initiative partnered with the Thomistic Institute to cohost an evening conversation on Christian political principles in our current age. R.R. Reno, editor of First Things, delivered preliminary remarks before engaging in a moderated discussion with Elizabeth Corey (Baylor University), Joshua Mitchell (Georgetown University), and George Weigel (Ethics & Public Policy Center). Watch the full conversation below: