"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Friday Five: AEI Internships, Frederic Bastiat, and the Millennial Vote

On Fridays, we bring you the best of our blog and the best of the web. This week’s roundup includes a new piece on how young voters might be paying more attention to economic policy, thoughts on Frédéric Bastiat’s faith, and a podcast with Hillsdale College president Dr. Larry Arnn. 1. Are young voters finally starting to get it?: Karin Agness writes that perhaps millennials are “making the connection between their own job prospects and our national economic policy.”

recent USA Today/Gallup Poll found that the top-ranked issue for 18 to 29-year-olds is creating good jobs. If job creation is the number one issue and more young voters are supporting a candidate whose policy proposals align better with free market principles, perhaps my peers are making the connection between their own job prospects and our national economic policy. They are realizing that our debt-ridden, sluggish economy is making it more difficult for them to achieve their dreams because of a lack of opportunity to succeed.

2. Intern at AEI this fall: We still have openings at AEI for fall internships. Spending a semester interning at AEI provides college students with the great opportunity to work with AEI scholars doing research, to assist in the communications or fundraising departments, and more! Apply by September 1 to be considered. 3. Ismael Hernandez: Freedom, Virtue and Effective Charity: In this PovertyCure post, Ismael Hernandez, founder of the Freedom & Virtue Institute, speaks on helping the poor and false ministry.

If you go from the heart directly to action, you may be part of the problem. You have to go from the heart to the head, and then to the muscle. So, you open your heart to the idea of helping people. And then you sit down to think about what is the most empowering way of helping people? What is the way that respects their dignity the most?

4. Religion & Liberty: Frédéric Bastiat: Over at the Acton Institute, we learn more about Frédéric Bastiat’s life and belief in God.
Bastiat was himself no progressive iconoclast. He typified that rare breed of liberal who holds a deep and powerful belief in a personal and transcendent God, and who incorporates this belief in a wide ranging social philosophy centering on the proposition that when left alone society will most clearly display the wisdom and intent of the Creator. As Bastiat put it: “I believe that He Who arranged the material world was not to remain foreign to the arrangements of the social world.”
5. The RJ Moeller Show: Larry Arnn: This week RJ talks with Dr. Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College. RJ also interviews a young entrepreneur, Dan McNeely, on how he built his successful company.