On Friday afternoons, we bring you the best of our blog and the best of the web. This week’s round-up includes two videos, a challenge to free-market Christians, the best blogs of Joseph Sunde, and a podcast that’s worth a listen!
1. RJ Moeller chats with AEI scholar and Reagan historian Steven Hayward on the latest episode of The RJ Moeller Show.
2. What does God have to do with work? Over at Justin Taylor’s blog, Matt Perman discusses the doctrine of vocation:
3. Values & Capitalism blogger Joseph Sunde highlighted his most popular pieces of 2011 over at Remnant Culture. From Occupy Wall Street to anti-capitalism Christians to Ayn Rand, these posts are worth a look!
4. Susan Dudley explains who really benefits from regulations in the latest video from Economics Freedom.
5. Joy Pullmann writes on the Christian’s response to poverty and welfare programs.

Now, that doesn’t mean everyone ought to be a social worker or foster parent. But, to me, it does say that rather than pushing government (AKA, someone else) to “do something for the poor,” we Christians should renew and strengthen our historic hands-on charity. And that doesn’t mean some vague somebody. It means me. It means you.