Originally posted at Smorgasblurb. The social media Richter scale registered record-breaking tremors when uber-activists, Invisible Children, released the Stop Kony 2012 video. Notching more views than there are people in Germany, the video is now etched in viral media lore. A few days later, Jason Russell, founder of Invisible Children, collapsed while the world watched. Much has already been said, so I’ll keep my remarks brief: On Jason: I hurt for him. We all make huge mistakes. Devastatingly for Jason and his family, the world observed and amplified his. On Stop Kony 2012: Thoughtful action > Good intentions > Apathy > Armchair cynicism On Grace: …but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God loves Joseph Kony, Jason Russell, you, and me. More than we can imagine. And Jesus welcomes our brokenness—no matter how deep it feels. He craves our limping affection.
April 23, 2012