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The RJ Moeller Show: Eric Teetsel and Josh Riddle

On today’s episode of “The RJ Moeller Show,” RJ chats with Eric Teetsel of The Manhattan Declaration and Josh Riddle of Acculturated.com. Eric TeetselDuring the first segment, Eric and RJ discuss the recent round of NFL Playoff games and the immense pressure that coaches and players are under when millions of dollars are on the line for the team and league each week. They also dig into a recent James Pethokoukis post on a new study that severely undercuts the validity of President Obama’s “income inequality” mantra. Make sure to follow Eric on Twitter at @ericteetsel and his organization, Manhattan Declaration, at @ManhattanDec. To close out this week’s show, RJ welcomes founding member of “The Young Cons“—Joshua Riddle—to the program. Josh is a recent graduate of Dartmouth and currently runs social media for the pop-culture website Acculturated.com. The two discuss what conservatives might do in 2013 to begin making a culturally relevant case for their values, as well as this remarkable story out of Texas regarding the dramatic fiscal gains that state is currently experiencing (and how that contrasts to other states like California and Illinois). Follow Josh on Twitter at @youngcons. Listen in on the application below, on Stiticher.com, or download and subscribe to The RJ Moeller Show for free on iTunes.