"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The Road to Freedom: Twitter Contest

In his new book, Arthur Brooks demonstrates how earned success, true fairness and helping those in need are the foundation of the moral case for free enterprise. “The Road to Freedom” establishes the moral imperative of free enterprise. Enter to win a copy of this new book by making the moral case for free enterprise on Twitter! What makes free enterprise moral? Why is free enterprise the most fair system? Let us know on Twitter by using the hashtag #RoadToFreedom in your tweet. This contest will run from Monday, May 14 to Friday, May 18 at noon EST. On Friday, we’ll compile the best tweets here and send a copy to the top five respondents! Update: Congratulations to our winners! Here are the top five responses on Twitter: @HadleyHeath: The elite will survive n any system; they always have cronies n power. Free enterprise benefits the poor. Social mobility. #RoadtoFreedom @cMoZie: @ValuesAndCap the morality comes from the fact that in order to be successful you must first make someone else’s life better #RoadToFreedom @SWGaspar: There are only two principal economic systems: Free Enterprise and Force. #RoadToFreedom @Ed_Cunningham: Free enterprise is moral because it is a system built on the actions of individuals, made voluntary for mutual benefit #RoadToFreedom @CharlesKeckler: Excellence in creating value for others is the core of virtue – and capitalism; it has a moral claim of deserving just reward #RoadToFreedom