As you prepare to celebrate Christmas, enjoy some of our best posts—new and old—that reflect on the holiday season. We wish you a restful and joyous Christmas!
“‘A Christmas Carol’: A Capitalist Story” by Jacque Isaacs
If the government takes over the responsibility of caring for the poor, then we will all be Scrooges. What benefits our soul, and what led to the redemption of Ebenezer Scrooge, is the personal responsibility to take care of the poor. The New Scrooge took responsibility for caring for the poor in his community. He identified the needs and made the decisions and sacrifices necessary to fill those needs.
“Christmas Consumerism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” by Kristie Eshelman
If we remember our values, set our boundaries wisely, and treat other people (whether they are family members, cashiers, or people in line at the checkout) with the dignity and respect they deserve as individuals, we will do more to combat the negative side of Christmas consumerism than any condemnation or regulation of the market ever could.
“Why the Details of the Christmas Story Matter” by Tyler Castle
When God became flesh in the world He didn’t avoid messiness. Jesus came from an imperfect family and was born in a dirty manger, in immediate danger. What does it mean for us that God entered the world in this way?
“Why ‘White Christmas’ Is America’s Favorite Song” by David Wilezol
As a recording, “White Christmas” shines on the strength of Crosby’s tender baritone. The lyrics aren’t explicitly about America, but the song is nonetheless an appeal to the American heart and the experiences of the ordinary American. There’s a reason “White Christmas” is the most popular song of all-time: Berlin’s love and understanding of his country informed a body of work that has for decades made our days merry and bright.
“Saving Scrooge: The Real Meaning of ‘A Christmas Carol’” by Wesley Gant
Scrooge’s lesson was that no amount of money could buy happiness, and that love and friendship are worth more than all the material goods a person could acquire in a lifetime. In the end, we find a man not only more generous—a sign that he no longer worships at the altar of profit—but one who is more genial and eager for a good laugh. Thus, he is liberated in both life and death.