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Common Good #5 – Michael Q. McShane

On this episode of “Common Good,” our guest is Mike McShane, research fellow in education policy studies at AEI and author of the new V&C mini-book “Education and Opportunity.”

Although we’ve seen meager improvement over the last several decades, America’s education system is simply not getting it done—especially for the poorest children. Mike shares his vision for a marketplace of innovative schooling options that better prepare America’s children for the future. And of course, no conversation about education policy would be complete without a reference to David Hasselhoff.

Also on the episode, V&C senior associate Meredith Schultz shares about the inaugural Evangelical Leadership Summit, which will be hosted at AEI on September 9-10, 2014. Prominent evangelical leaders in the fields of politics, culture, the church, and nonprofits will discuss how to actively seek the prosperity of the city.


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