On Fridays, we bring the week’s best from around the web. The content in this week’s collection explains how Millennials are redeeming capitalism, why the GOP ought to support a new kind of tax plan, and more.
“Christian Millennials Work to Redeem Capitalism” by Elise Amyx, The Federalist
Even though Christian hipsters may sound as if they’re rebelling against capitalism, many are actually celebrating the best things about the free-market economy. Sure, they may not call it capitalism, but between creating mobile apps that fight human trafficking and serving up organic grilled-cheese sandwiches from their food trucks, they are showing the world that capitalism is capable of good.
“The Moral Bucket List” by David Brooks, New York Times
Commencement speakers are always telling young people to follow their passions. Be true to yourself. This is a vision of life that begins with self and ends with self. But people on the road to inner light do not find their vocations by asking, what do I want from life? They ask, what is life asking of me? How can I match my intrinsic talent with one of the world’s deep needs?
“Right-Wing Hostility to Marco Rubio’s Tax Plan Shows the GOP Is Stuck in the Past” by James Pethokoukis, The Week
The Rubio proposal recognizes that while the U.S. needs faster economic growth, acceleration alone might not help many middle-class families in an economy buffeted by automation of middle-skill jobs and globalization. In short, it’s an attempted response to real-world problems and conditions, not ideological litmus tests.
“Go to the Limits of Your Longing” by Joseph Sunde, Acton Institute
In the latest video blog from “For the Life of the World,” Evan Koons recites Rainer Maria Rilke’s powerful poem, “Go to the Limits of your Longing” from Book of Hours.
“No, Food Stamps Aren’t Subsidies for McDonald’s and Wal-Mart” by Michael Strain, The Washington Post
Indeed, ensuring that working- and middle-class Americans have the skills needed to compete in the 21st-century labor market is one of the greatest challenges facing public policy today. As is making sure that no one who works full time and heads a household lives in poverty. The left is correct that low-wage employers have a role in meeting these challenges. But so do we all.