"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The RJ Moeller Show: David Limbaugh

This week R.J. and the crew had a chance to chat with the great David Limbaugh.

David Limbaugh

David chatted with R.J. about his upbringing in Missouri, his intellectual development, and the current state of national politics. For more information on Mr. Limbaugh, you can follow him at Ricochet.com and visit his website.

And don’t forget to grab yourself a copy of his fantastic newly-released-in-paperback book,Crimes Against Liberty.

The Limbaugh episode of The R.J. Moeller Show:

Part 1Part 2 (Including a review of Alisa Harris’ new book Raised Right)

You can also download the show on iTunes.

