"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The RJ Moeller Show: Michael Medved

Welcome to this week’s episode of the American Enterprise Institute’s “Values and Capitalism” podcast: The R.J. Moeller Show! R.J. opens the show this time with the first segment of a two-part interview with syndicated columnist and radio talk show host, Michael Medved. Based out of Seattle, Mr. Medved is one of the ten most listened to radio personalities in the country. In part one of our fascinating conversation, Michael shares some of the key moments and experiences in his life that led him to his “conservative conversion” in his late 20s. The author of three recent books, (Right TurnsThe 10 Big Lies About America and The 5 Big Lies About American Business), Michael Medved is a prescient voice on the right who has things to say that you need to hear. You can find more Medved-related content at his website (michaelmedved.com), on his Facebook page or by following the guy on Twitter at @MedvedSHOW. Segment two of this episode welcomes Eric Teetsel (Program Manager, Values & Capitalism) and finds R.J., Matt and Eric discussing the passing of Steve Jobs and then offering up some analysis of the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Download the show on your iTunes!