"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

What is My Calling as a Christian at Work?

Over at the Institute on Faith, Work & Economics, Hugh Whelchel writes on vocation and the Christian. Below is an excerpt of “What is My Calling as a Christian at Work?“: The doctrine of vocational calling has fallen on hard times in today’s contemporary postmodern world. I recently heard a young man talk about how he was leaving his secular job and following his “call” into full-time ministry.  What’s wrong with this picture? As evangelical Christians we should acknowledge that all of life is to be lived under the comprehensive Lordship of Christ (Matthew 28:18). Few, however, understand that even in our everyday work, the Scripture teaches no separation between the secular and the sacred. No church-related work or mission is more spiritual than any other profession such as law, business, education, journalism, or politics. (Read that last sentence one more time to let it sink in.) Scott Rae of Biola University writes,
Business is the work of God in the world in the same way that being a pastor is the work of God in the church and in the same way that missionary service is the work of God on the mission field.  All have value to God because of the value of the work done…
All of our actions should be unified in obedience to God and for God’s glory (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17). So if the idea of “calling” doesn’t just refer to missionary work, what exactly does it mean? Read the remainder of the piece here. And follow their blog here: “Creativity. Purpose. Feedom.