"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


How Christianity Redeems Consumer Entitlement

You’ve seen it happen. Maybe you’ve done it yourself. You’re in a restaurant and the waiter is doing a less than superb job. Perhaps it’s near the end of his six-hour shift, or he’s covering more than his share of tables. But whatever the case, you’re not getting the...

Is Liberty Negative or Positive?

Contemporary debates over public policy have deep ideological roots, and these roots reach far deeper than what a pundit’s talking points will betray.  In the West, where personal freedom is often prized as the chief public value, individual liberty is a frequent...

Book Review: “Work Matters” by Tom Nelson

In the fallen world we inhabit, work is seldom viewed as a good in itself.  Instead, we tend to view work as a means to other things—a paycheck, a vacation, or a relaxing weekend at home.  We work so that we can rest.  The prevailing culture says that if work has any...

Social Reform and Modern Secularism

A few weeks ago, New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote an honest and needed piece entitled, “The Cost of Relativism.” Referencing a recent book by Robert Putnam, Brooks began by outlining some of the bleakest realities of social life in lower class...