"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Gen Z Doesn’t Dream of Labor — and Neither Should You

Let’s face it: Hustle culture is dead, and Gen Z is dancing on its grave. “What is your dream job?” is a question students and new graduates hear all too often. However, Gen Zers are firing back with a bold “I don’t dream of labor.” And rightfully so. Among the many...

Pursuing Equal Opportunity: Mobility is Key

Equal opportunity is not always a straightforward policy discussion and can be challenging to understand. Previously, I have covered what equal opportunity does and does not look like and why it is a significant fixture in any society. One additional aspect of equal...

Where Did Our Trust Go?

In my previous blog post, I made the argument that a free market system relies on relationships of trust in order to coordinate the abilities of producers to serve the real needs and wants of consumers. However, there is a non-trivial sense in the American public...

On the Correlation of Capitalism and Christianity

“He that will not work shall not eat.” With these famous words pulled from 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Capt. John Smith uttered a phrase that both saved Jamestown and breathed a capitalistic nature into the very fabric of American society. Nearly 300 years later, German...