"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Most Philosophy is Grievously Wrong – And Enduringly Valuable

When considering the most prominent thinkers after Thomas Aquinas, many Christians could be forgiven for having a certain cynicism about philosophy. Descartes’ dualism, Hume’s ethics, Kant’s epistemology, and Locke’s understanding of our chief end all seem to violate...

The Heart of the Matter in Education Reform

Education reform in the United States has become noisy. Proposed curriculum changes, school choice, vouchers, mandates, the list goes on and on; why does education reform really matter? We see the news headlines over viral videos of parents screaming at school board...

Pursuing Equal Opportunity: Equality in the 21st Century

John Locke, in outlining some of the key philosophies that guided our Founding Fathers in their creation of the American state, claimed that the role of government was to preserve the free, equal, and independent nature of mankind. At the time of writing, the idea of...

Can Better Classrooms Lead to Empty Cells? An analysis of school funding and incarceration rates

Thatcher Broyles was a 2019-2020 Young Scholar Awards Program recipient. He is a graduate of Belmont University where he majored in economics with a double minor in mathematics and finance. Incarceration rates within the United States have been the subject of heated...

Finding the Motivation to Learn

Although remote learning caused by COVID-19 has been lauded as more efficient and affordable than previous modes of instruction, and has potential to alleviate student debt in the future, one of the most common obstacles to success posed by online school is a lack of...