"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Beauty Over Utility

In his 2009 documentary “the late Roger Scruton said, “If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless. . .. Nobody has a use for it because nobody wants to be in it.” A myopic vision toward utility alone seems to be a crime in itself when...

Doomsday Prepping: To What Extent Should We Depend on our Government?

Back in the relatively uneventful era of the early 2010s, my family and I enjoyed a National Geographic series called “Doomsday Preppers.” The fascinating people featured in the show were preparing for the apocalypse, or something close to it. We would sit in front of...

The Lockdown Paradox

On a warm December morning in Sarasota, Florida, people throng the local Wawa, pouring coffee, ordering breakfast and exchanging morning pleasantries. The only evidence of a pandemic are plastic shields in front of the cash register and the ignored “masks required”...

What the Reformation Teaches Us About Political Conflict

At first glance, the period of history leading up to the Reformation and our current political moment seem to have little in common. While 16th century Europe was a pseudo-theocratic feudal society, ours is a modern, liberal nation-state, and increasingly secular....

Ordered Liberty in the Bible

In the beginning, God put Adam in the garden “to tend and keep” it (Genesis 2:15). Theologians have seen something more in this than an incidental phrase. Instead, they have seen a general commission from God to humanity to labor creatively for the betterment of the...