"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Don’t Give Up on Giving: How a Theology of Creation Informs Resilient Poverty Solutions

Recently, Joe Coletti at The Federalist wrote about private giving in his reviews of Robert Lupton’s “Charity Detox” and Arthur Brooks’ “The Conservative Heart.”  Coletti contrasts old concepts of charity with the efforts of people like Lupton, who founded the...

Values & Capitalism Summer Conference 2015

On June 26-29, over 200 students and professors from 55 Christian colleges gathered in Washington, DC for the fifth annual Values & Capitalism Summer Conference. The three-day event served as a platform for students to engage in discussion of pressing social,...

The American Dream in Crisis: What Can We Do About It?

The research is piling up: children of poor Americans are disadvantaged. Their neighborhoods, parents, schools, and lack of community engagement hold them back from entering adulthood with the same opportunities that rich kids have. And by “rich” and “poor,” I don’t...