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Young Scholars

Constitutional Durability: The Constitutions of the Order of Friars Preachers and American Constitutionalism

In my paper “Constitutional Durability,” I argue that the constitution of the Order of Friars Preachers, a religious order colloquially known as the Dominicans, adds a unique point of view to our political discourse about good governance and durable...

Passivity and Revenue: How a Passive Tax System Exacerbates Fiscal Illusion

It is often said that the only certainties in life are death and taxes, but how certain are we about the latter? Because of the interests of different parties involved in the tax system, the inquiry into the details of taxation can often be obscured. However, it is...

Choosing the Best Tool: Mandates as Corrective Policy Instruments in Agriculture

Agricultural production negatively impacts the environment. Nitrate and pesticide runoff contaminate drinking water. Animal waste causes bacterial contamination. Odor from livestock operations affects nearby residential areas. The list goes on. Despite these negative...

Investing in Service: Professionalization Effects on the Provision of Constituent Service

Despite the political media’s focus on the various legislative battles taking place in state capitols all across the country, policy and legislative work are only one part of a state legislator’s job description. State legislators are also responsible for helping...

The Benefits Cliff and Labor Supply: Lessons from Behavioral Economics

Standard economic theory relies on the assumption that we make choices rationally. Besides the disagreement surrounding the definition of rationality itself, there is growing evidence that suggests our behavior actually is not always rational. While it seems...