"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Legally Elsewhere: The Unpredictable Due Process Protections Accorded to Arriving Immigrants at America’s Border

At any moment, tens of thousands of arriving immigrants are imprisoned within the United States without constitutional due process protection. Though held in immigration detention centers deep in the United States interior, these individuals—who arrive at America’s...

From the Courtroom to the Classroom: Special Education Disputes in the Post-Endrew Era

Faith Brown was a 2020-2021 Young Scholar Awards Program recipient. She is a graduate of Hope College. In 2017, the Supreme Court heard Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, a landmark case regarding the level of educational benefit students with disabilities...

Are Non-Compete Clauses Stifling Employee Mobility?

Patents, copyrights, and non-compete agreements have an important place in the ever-changing landscape of innovation. Without them, intellectual property theft and espionage could, and likely would, run amok. Ideas, which can be even more valuable than tangible...