"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


4 Takeaways from Pres. Obama’s Conversation with Arthur Brooks and Robert Putnam

Thoughtful, bi-partisan conversations in Washington are a lot like uncooked steak—rare. That’s why yesterday’s conversation on poverty between President Obama, AEI President Arthur Brooks, and Harvard Professor Robert Putnam was so unusual, intriguing, and...

Is Cash With No Strings Attached the Answer to Poverty?

Writing for Vox, Dylan Matthews recently shared “more evidence that giving poor people money is a great cure for poverty.” His sarcastic observation is backed by a pair of studies. One found that Kenyans who received cash with no strings attached, “built more assets,...

Why Government Redistribution Won’t Cut It in the War on Poverty

At Values & Capitalism’s event on poverty a few weeks ago, a member of the audience asked: “Why do we have to accept capitalism as being a better approach to solving poverty than government?” Without wanting to be dismissive of the question, here’s why: First,...