"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Announcing the Purpose & Prosperity Blog Contest Winners

Purpose & Prosperity Contest We are proud to announce the 2012 winners of our Purpose & Prosperity blog contest! Earlier this month, we hosted more than 70 students and professors from 20 schools for our annual summer conference. This conference explored the intersection of faith, economics and public policy. Below are the top three recap posts related to Purpose & Prosperity. Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry. 1. Limited Government, Faith and Politics, and Hope for Our Country by Danny Huizinga
“Government is a very blunt instrument and can be easily perverted to do things it shouldn’t be doing.” – Andrew Biggs, resident scholar at AEI
This month, I attended the American Enterprise Institute’s Purpose & Prosperity conference. It was an excellent experience, teaching me a great deal about how to combine faith, economics and public policy. I have often heard, “If Jesus was here today, he would be a Marxist.” This conference, in fact, proved the opposite. There were three major takeaways from this conference that I would like to discuss in further detail.
2. The Importance of Priorities in Politics by Alice Browning
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at AEI headquarters this month at the Values & Capitalism 2012 Purpose & Prosperity conference for undergraduate students. Not only were we treated with exemplary hospitality, but were exposed to a number of experts ranging on such topics as the economy’s relation to the disintegration of the family, stewardship of the environment, “freedom feminism,” the moral argument for free enterprise, and the list goes on and on.
3. Human Capital and Earned Success by Kent Lindbergh
The Purpose & Prosperity conference has made me fired up to take action on my campus this year, and in the years to come. This past year, as a freshman, I lost sight of the fact of how important it is to address and discuss issues that are not only problems in the present, but will also become much worse in the future if the people of this nation do not take action.