"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Posts by Cooper Shull

Cooper Shull is a junior studying finance at Samford University. He was selected as a 2021 Student Blog Contributor for Faith & Public Life.

Recovering Our Political Culture

Mentioning the word politics is similar to running nails down a chalkboard. Some are able to enjoy a fierce argument about politics, and some would prefer never to mention it. Why has politics become so controversial? Politics can be defined as activities that relate...

Waste of a Space Race?

It seems like every time you look to the sky another billionaire is heading for the stars. There is a clear renewal of space travel happening—not by two superpower nations competing against each other. Rather, it is private innovators who are leading the charge. Over...

President Biden has Left the British Out to Dry

The best friend award will not be going to the US and UK this year, at least not at this pace. The British government has been searching far and wide for a new free trade deal with the US since its departure from the European Union in 2020. The problem for the Brits...