"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Posts by Grant Seiter

Grant Seiter is a junior at Baylor University where he is majoring in Economics and Finance with additional minors in Mathematics and German. Originally from Amarillo, Texas, the Baylor Business Fellow and Honors College Scholar holds primary academic interest in the nexus between empirical microeconomics, religion, and classical literature. Currently, Mr. Seiter is investigating the inequality effects of education and skill premiums on the U.S. market for clergy under the guidance of Dr. Charles North and Dr. Scott Cunningham of the Hankamer School of Business. Following Baylor, Grant aspires to pursue a PhD in Economics and enter a career of continued research and teaching. When not studying, Mr. Seiter enjoys playing jazz, and is the proud principal chair holder of drum-set in the Baylor School of Music’s Wayne Fisher Jazz Program