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Posts by Jessica Rabe

Jessica Lynn Rabe is a research associate at ConvergEx Group, a global brokerage company based in New York. She has been published by the World Economic Forum’s Global Information Technology Report, Seeking Alpha, Asset International’s Strategic Insight Alternatives Quarterly, and the Center for Public Justice. Previously, Rabe worked as a research analyst at Right Blend Investing, a Registered Investment Advisor. She has interned at the EMC Brazil Big Data Research and Development Center in Rio de Janeiro, and for the campaign of U.S. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen in New Jersey. Rabe graduated summa cum laude from Gordon College with a B.A. in Economics.

Putin Plays Frank Underwood’s Cards, and Deals an Open-Ended Straight to China

Russia has managed to stay in the limelight, as the world transitions from the Sochi Olympics to the Russia-Ukraine dispute. Russia’s takeover of Crimea triggered a substantial drop in stocks, before and after the event. Commodity prices rose sharply, which makes...

The Federal Reserve: Scapegoat for Emerging Markets

After years of quantitative easing, and months of taper speculation, the central bank began paring monthly bond purchases by $10 billion in January, now at $65 billion. This decision enabled Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to walk a fine line between...

Think Twice Before Extending Unemployment Insurance

During a recent weekly address, President Obama called for Congress to reinstate jobless benefits (affecting 1.3 million Americans) for three months. According to Obama, unemployment insurance is a “vital economic lifeline,” and without it, the economy will slow for...