"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Prof. Brian Brenberg Named Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor

Brian Brenberg, associate professor of business and economics at The King’s College, has been named the Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor for the 2017–2018 academic year. In this position, which rotates annually (and has previously been held by Dr. Stephen...

Is There a Christian Way to Vote?

After nearly 20 months of campaigning, tomorrow is election day. For most of us, the end of the 2016 election cycle has been long-awaited. To be honest, it seems like almost an afterthought to me, as I have been intentionally disengaged from the election for some time...

Dr. Stephen Smith Named Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor

Dr. Stephen L. S. Smith, professor of economics at Hope College, has been named the Values & Capitalism Visiting Professor for the 2016–2017 academic year. In this position, which rotates annually (and was previously held by Dr. Gregory Thornbury), Dr. Smith will...

How ‘The Walking Dead’ Can Inform Our Response to Terrorism

I’ve written about the TV show “The Walking Dead” on this blog before. It may seem odd that I should be writing about a TV series on the zombie apocalypse for a blog whose focus is faith, economics, and public policy. That’s because it is. And yet, once again the show...

Authoritarian Capitalism: Here to Stay?

In 1962, Milton Friedman questioned whether “democratic socialism” could exist. His answer was no—at least not in a sustainable way. Today, with the economic rise of countries like China and India that embrace capitalism but remain politically autocratic, we might ask...