"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Primarily featuring posts written by students and faculty in our network, our blog is a forum for writing on issues of faith, politics, economics, and society. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors alone.
President Biden has Left the British Out to Dry

President Biden has Left the British Out to Dry

The best friend award will not be going to the US and UK this year, at least not at this pace. The British government has been searching far and wide for a new free trade deal with the US since its departure from the European Union in 2020. The problem for the Brits is that President Joe Biden’s administration is moving at a snail’s pace.

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Announcing: 2021-2022 Young Scholar Award Recipients

Announcing: 2021-2022 Young Scholar Award Recipients

AEI’s Initiative on Faith & Public Life is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2021–2022 Young Scholar Awards. This year we received impressive applicants from schools across the country on topics ranging from public policy and economics to law and political theory. We selected four undergraduates who will pursue rigorous, original research during the 2021–2022 academic year under the guidance of a faculty advisor and experts at AEI.

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Reflections on the Revolution in Economics

Reflections on the Revolution in Economics

Dr. Hirschfeld’s Summer Honor’s class “Are Markets Moral? In Search of a Humane Economy” gave insights but—to use her words—ultimately gave us “the habit of seeing.” Therefore, let us submit ourselves to a new, more perfect discipline: Thomistic Economics.

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How I Learned to Love My Country

How I Learned to Love My Country

Ignoring the evil and injustice of the United States is not an act of loyalty, but of selfishness, seeking to continue to place hope in an imaginary ideal rather than striving in love to improve what truly exists. Real loyalty does not run from flaws, but faces them honestly.

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The Time for Economic Development is Now

The Time for Economic Development is Now

Economic development is a pressing issue with far reaching effects. Events occurring in the two weeks after the program reinforced this belief. Seeing the conditions of Cuba and Haiti made me realize that the week we spent talking about economic development is not merely theory but rather a reality. For these countries (and many others), the time for economic development is now.

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