"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


We’re East of Eden, But It Is Still in Sight

I’m a big fan of classic literature. In part, I appreciate the aesthetic beauty of well-written prose. But even more so, I love how a compelling story can pry its way into the heart and imagination of the reader. A complex message becomes digestible when it is served...

What Is the “Good Life”?

A boy lies on a rickety bed in the only room of a grimy cottage. He is deathly ill and his family is impoverished and dysfunctional. The father is loving, but cowardly; the mother is mentally disabled and distant. And yet, as he slowly dies, a group of boys—who had...

How A Christian View of Human Nature is the Key to Conservative and Libertarian Fusionism

This past Saturday, I was honored to participate in a panel at the International Students for Liberty Conference with four fellow Millennials who hold a libertarian political philosophy because we are Christians. In what became known as the “Jesus Panel,” we covered...