"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Posts by Jacqueline Isaacs

Jacqueline Isaacs is the Director of Strategy for Bellwether Communications, where she crafts content strategies for thought leaders. She also serves as the firm’s managing partner in Nashville, TN. She has wide-ranging experience in media relations for national brands and content marketing for nonprofits. She previously served as the Fellow in Strategic Communication with the American Studies Program in Washington, DC. She holds an MBA in Marketing from Johns Hopkins University and a BS in Government from Oral Roberts University. She is the co-author of the book, Called to Freedom: Why You Can Be Christian and Libertarian, and she voiced the recently released audio book version, now available on Audible.

A Note to December Graduates

Dear December Graduates, Congratulations! There are many reasons why people graduate in December, as opposed to the traditional spring graduation, but whatever your exact reason, we know that you are pursuing a unique path for your life and career. I pray you find the...

Finding Your Calling: The Value of Doing What You Don’t Enjoy

We discussed before what to do when you are interested in so many different things and aren’t sure which to choose for your career. But what if that isn’t you? What if you are the person stuck doing something you don’t enjoy? It is daunting to be a young adult, early...

Finding Your Calling: But I’m Interested in Everything?

If you peek at my Pinterest account, you’ll see that I’m interested in so many things. I love communications and marketing and graphic design, food and cooking and gardening, reading and writing and science fiction, vintage and mid-century and modern design, astronomy...

Finding Your Calling: What Is Vocation?

Christian college students have a lot going on. In addition to taking classes, many of you have internships and many of you work part-time or full-time jobs. All of you are looking forward to graduation, while contemplating the options of graduate school and the...

How to Be Persuasive: The Scarcity Principle

This is the end of a conversation about persuasion. We’ve been examining Robert Cialdini’s book, “Influence: Science and Practice,” and his six principles for being persuasive. We’ve already discussed Reciprocation, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Liking,...