On Fridays we bring you the best of the week from around the web. This week’s collection includes a different perspective on progress, world-changing innovations, and more.
1. Why We Need ‘Dinosaurs’ Like C.S. Lewis: In Christianity Today, Art Lindsley explains C.S. Lewis’ unorthodox conception of progress, and argues that we’ll be better off if more people share it.
Lewis was too progressive to always believe in claims of progress. Sometimes we need to go back in order to go forward, doing an about-face on the wrong road in order to find the right one.
2. Anti-Poverty Efforts Need a Biblical Answer, But It’s Not Socialism, Says AEI Panel: Christian Post reporter Michael Gryboski reflects on Tuesday’s event, “For the least of these: A biblical answer to poverty,” co-hosted by Values & Capitalism and the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. Watch the whole event below:
3. 10 Innovations That Will Change Your Future: Even with the sluggish economy of the last several years as a backdrop, Wesley Gant shares new innovations that are changing the way we live.
Economic growth means large-scale change and opportunity. It means more people gradually gain access to things that make life better, even if those who can afford to pay up are the first in line. What matters is that there is a line at all. The items on this list describe the future for everyone, not just the wealthy elite.
4. Why Does 1 Percent of History Have 99 Percent of the Wealth?: In this Learn Liberty video, economist Deirdre McClosky discusses the amazing progress in human well-being that economic freedom has enabled.
5. The Left’s Line On School Choice Is A Joke From The 1800s: Andrew Quinn calls progressives out for supporting education policy that disregards efficacy or care for family—just like Mrs. Jellyby, a character in Charles Dickens’ “Bleak House.”
Start by seizing the best opportunities for your children. Then, fight like crazy for proven policies that let poor parents do exactly the same thing. School choice isn’t a “no-win ethical dilemma.” It’s as close to a win-win moral slam-dunk as we see in public policy. If you want to serve social justice, support it.