On Fridays, we bring you the best of our blog and the best of the web. This week’s roundup includes perspectives on the importance and value of free enterprise from theologian Michael Novak, actor John O’Hurley, Gov. Mitt Romney and more.
1. The joy of capitalism: An evening with Michael Novak: Michael Novak explores the roots of capitalism and its constructive impact on the world. Two young entrepreneurs respond by telling the story of how they each built a business with the help of free enterprise.
2. Hard unemployment truths about ‘soft’ skills: Nick Schulz shares what he learned from businessmen about the most needed skills in the job market.
The skills shortage is not just an absence of workers who can write computer code, operate complex graphics software or manipulate cultures in a biotech lab—as real as that scarcity is. Many people lack what the writer R.R. Reno has called “forms of social discipline” that are indispensable components of a person’s human capital and that are needed for economic success.3. The RJ Moeller Show: Mark Steyn and John O’Hurley: This week RJ talks with “Seinfeld” actor John O’Hurley about entrepreneurship and, of course, “Seinfeld.” Then, RJ hosts sought-after author and columnist Mark Steyn.
4. Mitt Romney speech to Clinton Global Initiative: Gov. Romney delivers a stirring speech on the opportunity and prosperity offered by free enterprise. Our own Josh Good writes an article in response.
I became convinced that the crucial difference between [rich and poor] countries wasn’t geography. I noticed the most successful countries shared something in common. They were the freest. They protected the rights of the individual. They enforced the rule of law. And they encouraged free enterprise. They understood that economic freedom is the only force in history that has consistently lifted people out of poverty—and kept people out of poverty.5. The Good Rich Seminar Room: Wabash College launched an online version of their library dedicated to chronicling the history of human liberty and inspiring continued conversations on liberty today.