On Fridays, we bring you the week’s best from around the web. This week’s collection includes advice for graduates, an explanation of how capitalism can strengthen the family, and more.
“How to Avoid Commencement Clichés” by Arthur Brooks, The New York Times
Here’s my advice for anyone asked to give a commencement speech: Avoid plastics; put purpose ahead of product; emphasize sanctification and service. Also, keep it under 30 minutes.
“The Spiritual Problems Behind the United States’ Increasingly Lower Levels of Economic Freedom” by Elise Amyx, Institute for Faith, Work & Economics
We lose economic freedom not primarily because we don’t understand the way economic policy works, but because of our natural human tendencies. Uncertainty is scary to us because it means we can’t know everything. Fearing uncertainty and trying to mitigate it through our own control is a spiritual problem that can become a policy problem, and ultimately a problem of human flourishing.
“When Conservatives Listen to Obama, We Can Learn a Lot. So Can He.” by Michael Strain, The Washington Post
The leader of the free world, the commander-in-chief of the United States military, participating in a 90-minute panel discussion during a policy conference on overcoming poverty? Not the usual setting and environment for a president, to say the least. (Watch the video of the discussion below.)
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
“How Capitalism Humanized the Family” by Joseph Sunde, Acton Institute
Capitalism is routinely blamed for rampant materialism and consumerism, accused of setting society’s sights only on material needs and wants, and leaving little time, attention, or energy for much else. But what, if not basic food, shelter, and survival, was humanity so preoccupied with before the Industrial Revolution?
“Dear Graduates, A Glorious Commencement Awaits” by Bethany Jenkins, The Gospel Coalition
Commencement is a beginning. It launches graduates into “the real world,” which is full of disconnects that breed disillusionment—beauty and brokenness, debt and riches, joy and suffering. In this age, it will always be the best of times and the worst of times. But there’s an age to come, and to which our content lives can now point.