Jacqueline Otto Isaacs is a lover of liberty and a new wife. She works in public affairs at a large not-for-profit organization in the greater Washington, D.C. area, is an MBA candidate at the Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School, and is an alumnus of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla. In recent years, she has defended freedom with the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, America’s Future Foundation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
She has blogged about early career advice for SingleRoots.com, reported on DC events for RedAlertPolitics.com and hasĀ been involved with the Values & Capitalism project since 2009. She has been published in Fox News, Investor’s Business Daily, The Daily Caller, Townhall.com, The Austin-American Statesman, the American Spectator and Cato Unbound.
She enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, typically cooking and reading. She is also writing a novel which may or may not be published someday. Jacqueline is on Twitter at