“Is Capitalism Moral?”
On November 9, 2011, Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute and Jim Wallis of Sojourners discussed the morality of capitalism and the economic systems they believe best help those in need. Peter Greer of HOPE International moderated the debate, which was hosted by Messiah College.
Peter Greer opens the debate, noting that this is a key moment in history—both in our nation and around the globe—and this debate is intended to help make sense of capitalism’s role in a rapidly changing world.
In his opening remarks, Arthur Brooks addresses the source of growing dissatisfaction among Americans with the way the country is governed. Brooks emphasizes looking not only at the material basis for free enterprise, but also the moral basis of our system.
Jim Wallis, in his opening statement, discusses Matthew 25 in the context of deficits and budget cuts, and argues that there is a better, biblical metric for judging a society that is not GDP, military might, or its culture.