"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


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Freedom Feminism

Freedom Feminism

Freedom Feminism: Its Surprising History and Why It Matters Today By Christina Hoff Sommers READ AN EXCERPT BUY THE BOOK Women’s equality is one of the great achievements of Western civilization....

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The Closing of the American City

The Closing of the American City

The Closing of the American City: A New Urban Agenda By Michael Hendrix READ THE FULL TEXT We are at the dawn of the urban century. More Americans are living in cities than ever before. And yet,...

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The American Safety Net

The American Safety Net

The American Safety Net: A Primer on Welfare Programs for Low-Income Families By Angela Rachidi READ THE FULL TEXT America has a long history of providing government support for the country’s most...

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Caritapolis: A New Global Vision for Christian Social Thought by Michael Novak READ THE FULL TEXT What would it profit the human race if we were to achieve a higher level of political and economic...

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