"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Most Philosophy is Grievously Wrong – And Enduringly Valuable

When considering the most prominent thinkers after Thomas Aquinas, many Christians could be forgiven for having a certain cynicism about philosophy. Descartes’ dualism, Hume’s ethics, Kant’s epistemology, and Locke’s understanding of our chief end all seem to violate...

Beauty Over Utility

In his 2009 documentary “the late Roger Scruton said, “If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless. . .. Nobody has a use for it because nobody wants to be in it.” A myopic vision toward utility alone seems to be a crime in itself when...

Fueled by Trust: Why the free-market system doesn’t depend on greed

When most people think of free markets, their first inclinations do not usually fall to their recent trip to the grocery store or to a conversation they had at the farmers market. Many instead characterize free enterprise as an engine of exploitation and inequality...

Toil and Angst: A book review of “On the Road with Saint Augustine” by James K.A. Smith

The disarray of post-graduate life left me in existential and theological angst. Why was transitioning to working full time in a city of opportunity at my dream first job so difficult and spattered with discontentment? Why were all of my friends, also working jobs...