"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


Material Political Ends and Immanent Christianity

As American politics has become more polarized, American Christians have followed suit. On the left, many progressive Christians embrace socialist ideas and semi-revolutionary tactics as the most effective means of achieving social justice. On the right, post-liberals...

The Christian and Ideology

The last few decades of American politics have seen a widespread increase in polarization and partisanship. Much of this is explained by the prevalence of ideology in today’s public square. Adherents to opposing worldviews claim an inability to agree on so much as...

Peace in the Midst of Politics

It’s no secret that politics has been growing more contentious, and the events of this year have seriously exacerbated that trend. In the light of the coronavirus pandemic and the tragic murder of George Floyd, our public square is filled with suspicion, vitriol, and...

What the Reformation Teaches Us About Political Conflict

At first glance, the period of history leading up to the Reformation and our current political moment seem to have little in common. While 16th century Europe was a pseudo-theocratic feudal society, ours is a modern, liberal nation-state, and increasingly secular....

Politics for the Spiritual Good

How can we engage in politics without losing our souls? It’s a question that’s been weighing on my mind in this turbulent time. When the public square is rocked by deadly disease, racism, unrest, and party polarization, it might appear that the only way to stay sane...