"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The American Studies Program comes to AEI

On February 8, 2013, more than 20 students from the American Studies Program (ASP) visited with Senior Fellow Karlyn Bowman and Values & Capitalism staff at AEI. ASP is affiliated with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and brings students from Christian colleges across the nation to Washington, D.C., to intern and study public policy or global development. The student group was led by ASP Director Peter Baker, and Business and Leadership Studies Professor Gerry Hartis. ASP Visit Drawing on over 30 years of AEI experience, Karlyn walked the students through a marvelous history of think tanks, and in particular AEI’s model as a kind of “university without students.” Next, the V&C team familiarized the students with Values & Capitalism’s resources, and then Josh Good led an informal discussion on entitlements and America’s national debt. The conversation touched on the morality of the debt and the desperate need for Christians to help the poor without hurting or creating dependence. ASP Visit 2
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