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The RJ Moeller Show: Andrew Klavan

Our very special guest this week on The RJ Moeller Show is none other than novelist, social commentator and all-around nice guy, Andrew Klavan. Andrew Klavan Andrew is the author of such internationally bestselling novels as True Crime, filmed by Clint Eastwood, and Don’t Say A Word, filmed starring Michael Douglas. He has been nominated for the Mystery Writers of America’s Edgar Award five times and has won twice. Mr. Klavan is also a contributing editor to City Journal, the magazine of the Manhattan Institute. If you learn nothing else from my interview with Andrew Klavan, let it be that he has produced the absolute best commentary features on YouTube. The “Klavan on the Culture” series can be found at PJTV.com. Andrew was kind enough to grant me an in-person interview and the two of us sat down to discuss: what role conservatives do (and should) play in the entertainment industry; political conversions from left to right; and the writings of Fyodor Dostoevsky. You don’t want to miss this conversation! We also included a taped conversation with AEI’s Eric Teetsel whose recent post on the unfair treatment of Mitt Romney’s wife Ann, is a must-read. Enjoy the show, and don’t forget that not only can you stream it below, you can also download The RJ Moeller Show on iTunes!