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The RJ Moeller Show: Edd Noell and Stephen Smith

Our special guests this week on “The RJ Moeller Show” are two authors of the new Values & Capitalism book “Economic Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Human Flourishing,” Dr. Edd Noell and Dr. Stephen Smith. This new book explores the benefits of growth and addresses common concerns regarding how growth impacts the poor, the environment and culture. Edd NoellFirst up is our conversation with Edd Noell. Edd has been teaching economics at Westmont since 1986, and his particular interests include the economics of the ancient Mediterranean world and the intersection of Christianity and economic thought. Professor Noell currently serves as both associate editor and book review editor of “Faith & Economics” and is active in the work of the Association of Christian Economists. You can stream the episode below, pick it up over at Stitcher.com, or download the show on your iTunes. Our second guest this week is one of Edd’s co-authors, Stephen Smith. Stephen is a professor of economics at Gordon College. His teaching areas include international economics, economic development, international political economy and econometrics. Stephen serves as the executive editor of “Faith & Economics,” the biannual publication of the Association of Christian Economists. You can listen to the episode with Stephen Smith on the application below, by heading over to Stitcher.com, or downloading on your iTunes.