"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The RJ Moeller Show: Hannah Smith, Hunger Games and the HHS Mandate

The contentious debates over issues related to Obamacare and the HHS “contraception mandate” have flooded news headlines for the past few months, and our first guest on this week’s episode of “The RJ Moeller Show” is the perfect person to ask about such matters. Hannah Smith is senior counsel at The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty, a nonprofit, public-interest legal and educational institute that protects the free expression of all faiths. Hannah Smith of The Becket Fund Ms. Smith has clerked for Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, she is a graduate of Princeton University and BYU law school, and is a frequent contributor on Fox News. As you’ll hear in the course of our interview with her, Hannah is a fierce and articulate defender of religious liberty and freedom. When it comes to the HHS mandate and contraception battle, she knows her stuff (and now you will too)! In the other segment of the big show, Eric Teetsel joins R.J. to discuss the cultural (and now film) phenomenon: “The Hunger Games.” The two review the film, Eric discusses the ideological outline of the entire book series, and Harry Potter’s name comes up more than once. Listen to the episode by clicking the play button below, or download the show on your iTunes!