"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The RJ Moeller Show: Josh Good

My guest this week on “The RJ Moeller Show” is AEI’s own Josh Good.

Josh Good

Josh Good is the program manager for the Values & Capitalism initiative at AEI. Josh previously spent four years as a consultant at ICF International, where he worked on responsible fatherhood and healthy marriage initiatives, in partnership with TANF welfare officials. He also worked on a national public-private partnership that served ex-prisoners, in collaboration with congregations and businesses. Josh holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Covenant College and a master’s in Christianity and Culture from Harvard University, and he lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife and two children. His publications have appeared in National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Washington Times, Patheos, and Capital Commentary, and you can follow Josh on Twitter at @josh_good_. We talk about Values & Capitalism’s upcoming student conference and the newest books including “Economic Growth,” “The Constitution,” “Home Economics” and “Freedom Feminism.” We also discuss DC job and internship opportunities for college grads today, and a list of practical resources from V&C’s team designed to help you navigate the nation’s capital. Listen live on the application below, head over to Stitcher.com, or check us out (for free) on iTunes!