"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

The RJ Moeller Show: Marvin Olasky

On this episode, Dr. Marvin Olasky, provost of The King’s College and editor-in-chief of World Magazine joins the show.

Here are links to some items R.J. and Dr. Olasky discuss:

  • The World Magazine podcast where Olasky describes his intellectual and spiritual conversion
  • A debate between Olasky and Jim Wallis at Cedarville University
  • Arthur Brooks’s recent book, The Battle
  • Olasky’s new book, a graphic novel titled 2048

The second segment of the show includes a conversation between R.J. and his brother, 2nd Lieutenant Brent Moeller, US Army. The final segment is a wrap-up on current events including praying and fasting in Pennsylvania over economic troubles, and celebrities getting in legal trouble for poker games.

Listen here, or download here.
