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The RJ Moeller Show: Rob Schwarzwalder and Mark Hemingway

In the opening segment of this week’s episode of The RJ Moeller Show, RJ welcomes vice president of the Family Research Council, Rob Schwarzwalder. Rob Schwarzwalder Rob has served as chief of staff for two Members of Congress, a communications aide in both the House and Senate and as director of communications and senior writer at the National Association of Manufacturers. In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Rob to be senior speechwriter at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he crafted language relating to all facets of the President’s health care agenda. He has also served as president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. RJ and Rob discuss the recent controversy over President Obama’s contraception mandate, the proper role of religious Americans in the public square, and the joys of finally being on Twitter. Speaking of which, you can follow Rob at @SchwarzSpeaks! Segment two of the show is a very special conversation with the online editor of The Weekly Standard, Mark Hemingway (@heminator). Mark Hemingway Before coming to The Weekly Standard, Mark had previously worked at the Washington Examiner, National Review, USA TODAY, Market News International, and Hudson Institute. He has written for MTV.com, ReasonThe New York Sun, The Johns Hopkins Journal of American Politics and numerous other publications. He was recently mentioned by name on an episode of the television show 30 Rock. He was the recipient of a Gold Award journalism fellowship from the Phillips Foundation in 2003 and was a Global Prosperity Initiative fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in 2003 and 2004. Originally from Bend, Oregon, Mark now lives in Washington, DC, with his wife Mollie Ziegler Hemingway and two daughters. Mark and RJ cover a lot of ground in this lively interview, one you’re sure to enjoy! As always, you can stream the episode below or find (and subscribe to) The RJ Moeller Show on your iTunes! ———————————-