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The RJ Moeller Show: The Gang Tackles 'Rights'

The latest episode of The R.J. Moeller Show podcast opens with a quick review of R.J.’s viewing of the 50th Anniversary Edition of Ben-Hur on the big screen. The classic film was re-mastered and re-released this December and shown in select theaters around the country. Ben Hur There were plenty of news stories to discuss, and The Gang offers up their thoughts on the following headlines: In the second segment, R.J. analyzes Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s recent speech at an International Human Rights Day conference in which Clinton made the claim that citing “religious or cultural values as a reason to violate or not to protect the human rights of LGBT citizens” are “not unlike the justification offered for violent practices towards women like honor killings, widow burning, or female genital mutilation.” The source of “natural rights” is considered. The gang is back and in rare form! You can stream the episode below, or find The R.J. Moeller Show on your iTunes!