On Monday, May 13, Values & Capitalism hosted 27 students and a professor of political science from Colorado Christian University, for a packed afternoon of lectures by AEI scholars and fellows. At this outset of CCU’s annual “Washington Week,” the students heard from Jonah Goldberg on current political trends in Washington and why he thinks the Obama administration’s messaging has resonated with the American public. James Pethokoukis, editor of the AEIdeas blog, followed with remarks about economy, writing tips and how current fiscal and monetary policy is affecting America’s economic recovery.
AEI resident scholar Christina Hoff Sommers spoke next, on the forthcoming revised edition of her book “The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men” (Simon & Schuster, August 2013). Christina discussed the ways America’s classrooms now favor the learning styles and behaviors of girls and penalize boys. The reality that girls and women are continually outperforming boys and men has significant social and economic consequences, especially in today’s knowledge-based economy. Christina is also the author of a forthcoming Values & Capitalism monograph, “Freedom Feminism: Its Surprising History and Why It Matters Today,” which will be published in June 2013.
The afternoon concluded with a presentation from Andrew Rugg, a research assistant in AEI’s Political Corner, and editor of AEI’s monthly political newsletter, The Political Report. Andrew discussed the use of public opinion polling in politics today and the advantages and pitfalls of using opinion data to shape policy. Andrew is also co-host of AEI’s Banter podcast, which recently recorded its 100th episode.
CCU will host several AEI scholars during its annual Western Conservative Summit on July 26-28, 2013—including Michael Barone, Jonah Goldberg and Charles Murray. Check back soon for more details soon on how to connect with AEI and Values & Capitalism at WCS!