"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

Posts by Christine Toavs

Christine Toavs is a junior at Northwest University where she studies English and political science. She currently serves as the captain of the debate team and president of NU's Sigma Tau Delta chapter (the English Honors Society). Christine is also working on her honors thesis investigating the implications of decadence in Congress. She was selected as a 2021 Blog Contributor for the Faith & Public Life blog.

Sustainable Hope

It has been a little over a year since Covid-19 struck the world. The pandemic induced a fear that rooted itself deep within society as two weeks turned into months. Although for many the quarantine life was highly isolating, people came together (digitally of course)...

The Price of Health

Pharmaceutical companies in the United States have contributed to the enduring crisis of overpriced prescription drugs. The absence of free market competition has granted almost exclusive market control to a handful of pharmaceutical monopolies. These monopolies...

The Right to Revolution: A Closer Look at the Myanmar Military Coup

Throughout its decades of independence, Myanmar, also known as Burma, has battled against repressive military rule, civil war, isolation from global affairs, and widespread poverty. In 2011, the transfer to civilian leadership incited hope for democratic reform....