"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.

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A Third Article on Impeachment

The recently concluded impeachment proceedings involving President Donald J. Trump have prompted many opinions and observations, some less valid or less accurate than others. Americans, and indeed all of humanity, display a continual willingness to believe that their...

Rehabilitation Through the Redemption of Labor

How would you feel if everyone knew you by the worst thing you ever did? What if, like a bearer of the scarlet letter, you were marked for scorn and distrusted by the majority of people around you? This is the life of a modern incarcerated individual. As the bearer of...

Something Must Give

“When we fight you, we make sure you can’t get away.” This is the message then-revolutionary leader Mao Tse-tung wanted his enemies to hear. Yet Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Chinese Nationalists, found this rival of his to be a fool. A military man with rigid,...

Recoding Choice: How Germline Gene Editing Impacts Conceptions of Freedom

We don’t really have a choice but to assume everyone else has the freedom of choice. Our justice system, our statutes, and our American Dream largely tell of the person who chose to respect or break the social contract and to succeed or fail. But from time immemorial,...

China Holds No Cards

It was 2 a.m., and my father and I had finally settled down for our flight from Shanghai to Beijing. Bleary-eyed, I was about to drift off to sleep, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I hadn’t realized it, but there was a Chinese teenager more or less my age sitting...

How Should the Church Engage in a Consumer Society?

“To be prophetic is to host a world other than the one that is in front of us.” Christians, as theologian Walter Brueggemann so eloquently wrote, ought to be set apart, practicing faith and life in a way that is unique and attractive to those outside of the body of...