"For Love of Neighbor" is a new documentary film offering a hopeful vision for Christian engagement in politics. Click here to learn more.


A Missing Link in Poverty Alleviation: Humility

Consider the last time you found yourself moved to compassion or feeling for a particular cause— what prompted you? For many, these thoughts are something emotionally moving or worthy of attention for a little while, yet that vigor seems to die down after the shock...

Waste of a Space Race?

It seems like every time you look to the sky another billionaire is heading for the stars. There is a clear renewal of space travel happening—not by two superpower nations competing against each other. Rather, it is private innovators who are leading the charge. Over...

The Insufficiency of Identity

The modern Western world gives incredible value to identity. Without an identity, you will not have peace. You will be either a mindless husk of a person, absorbing whatever happens to come down your gullet, or tossed by the winds of harsh modernity. Therefore, the...

A Case Against Charter Cities

In his famous 2009 TED talk, American economist Paul Romer proposed a revolutionary solution to the question of how a struggling country can break out of poverty when it’s trapped in a system of bad rules. The short answer? Charter cities. The longer answer is...

Willing to Jump Ship

When we think about generosity, money typically comes to mind. Being generous with our “giving” is boiled down to fiscal terms, with numbers as the telltale indicator of who has outdone another. Yet, our tendency to dwell on numerical terms alone reveals a more...

Evangelical Anxiety is Resolved in Noahic Ambition

Evangelicals are anxious. They are anxious about the end of the nation as we know it, Christian influence in academia, and religious freedom. Well-founded or not, these anxieties are driving evangelicals to two places. Some resort to isolationism. While not always...